Thank You to All Our Sponsors!
The Texas Municipal Human Resources Association (TMHRA) was organized in 1950 to promote, encourage, and advance the professional development of public personnel and human resources practitioners in municipalities throughout Texas. Many TMHRA activities, such as college scholarships, workshops, training sessions, special awards and require funding beyond that provided by membership dues. With support from organizations, through sponsorships, TMHRA is able to provide opportunities for continued growth, professional development, and a forum for its members to interact with other professionals in the same or related fields. LEARN MORE
2025 Sponsorship
Civil Service and Labor Relations Conference | College Station | January 29-31, 2025
TMHRA Annual Conference | San Antonio | May 6-9, 2025
Thank you for your interest in being a TMHRA Sponsor for 2025! TMHRA is dedicated to promoting excellence in personnel and human resource administration in Texas municipalities. With approximately 575 members in 15 regions, our organization continues to grow and support municipal HR professionals across the state. Your support provides TMHRA programming for each calendar year including awards, workshops, training sessions, and our Annual conference. Additionally, included in certain sponsorship levels, your organization can have an opportunity to add training topics to our NEW virtual Learning Library.
Annual sponsorships are designed to give your organization continuous promotional opportunities throughout our sponsorship year, which begins on January 1 and ends December 31 of each year. Sponsorships funds do not cover specific events, but provide general association support to minimize organizational costs.
Benefits of Being a TMHRA Sponsor
The TMHRA Annual sponsorship program recognizes organizations that make significant contributions to TMHRA. Each sponsor level provides enhanced benefits and an opportunity to put your company’s name in front of more decision makers in the human resource community. You will have the opportunity to network with human resource professionals from all over the state while attending our two conferences. In addition, you will have access to the TMHRA Board of Directors.
If you are not currently a TMHRA sponsor, we invite you to consider the benefits of financially supporting our vibrant organization dedicated to education, communication and professionalism.
If your organization has been a generous sponsor of TMHRA in the past, we want to express our appreciation and hope that you will continue your support. THANK YOU!
View Sponsorship Brochure HERE.
Titanium • $7500
Maximum five (5) available.
- Four (4) Affiliate Memberships
- Four (4) event registrations to use throughout the calendar year.
- Additional registrations at a reduced cost
- Logo displayed on the following, linked to organization’s website:
- TMHRA’s Homepage in a rotating advertisement.
- TMHRA’s Sponsorship page listing.
- Conference application pages.
- Logo included on all digital signage at events.
- Recognition at all TMHRA programming throughout the year.
- One individual LinkedIn spotlight with personalized message you create and contact information
added. - Extended booth space at TMHRA events with up to four (4) chairs.
- Preferred space given for electrical connections when available
- Option to host a live pop-up education session at conference to demo products and services your organization offers to attendees.
- Option to host a live or pre-recorded webinar on an HR Topic.
- Recorded and added to our learning library.
- Option to provide a swag bag item with your organization’s logo. Receive an Excel format
registration list prior to and after events. - Preferred selection to sponsor additional opportunities for events and programming.
Platinum • $4000
- Three (3) Affiliate Memberships
- Three (3) event registrations to use throughout the year.
- Additional registrations at a reduced cost.
- Logo displayed on the following, linked to organization’s website:
- TMHRA’s Homepage in a rotating advertisement.
- TMHRA’s Sponsorship page listing.
- Logo embedded in the sponsorship tab on conference app.
- Logo included on all digital signage at events.
- Recognition at all TMHRA programming throughout the year.
- One individual LinkedIn spotlight.
- Booth space at TMHRA events with up to two (2) chairs.
- Option to host a live pop-up education session at conference to demo products and services your organization offers to attendees.
- Option to provide a pre-recorded webinar on an HR Topic.
- Added to our learning library.
- Option to provide a swag bag item with your organization’s logo.
- Receive an Excel format registration list prior to and after events.
- Preferred selection to sponsor additional opportunities for events and programming.
Gold • $3000
- Two (2) Affiliate Memberships
- Two (2) event registrations to use throughout the calendar year.
- Additional registrations at a reduced cost.
- Logo displayed on the following, linked to organization’s website:
- TMHRA’s Homepage in a rotating advertisement.
- TMHRA’s Sponsorship page listing.
- Logo embedded in the sponsorship tab on conference app.
- Logo included on all digital signage at events.
- Recognition at all TMHRA programming throughout the year.
- Inclusion in a group LinkedIn spotlight for sponsorship level.
- Booth space at TMHRA events with up to two (2) chairs.
- Option to provide a swag bag item with your organization’s logo.
- Receive a PDF format registration list prior to and after events.
- Option to sponsor additional opportunities for events.
Silver • $2000
- One (1) Affiliate Membership
- Two (2) event registrations to use throughout the calendar year.
- Additional registrations at a reduced cost.
- Logo displayed on TMHRA’s Sponsorship page listing.
- Logo included on all digital signage at events.
- Recognition during in-person programming throughout the year.
- Booth space at TMHRA events with up to two (2) chairs.
- Option to provide a swag bag item with your organization’s logo.
- Receive a PDF format registration list prior to and after events.