Online Registration only. On-site registration will not be available.
Attendee Registration
BY January 15, 2024 — $475
AFTER January 15, 2024 — $585
Sponsor Registration
All sponsor staff are required to register online prior to each event they will be attending. Platinum or Diamond sponsors receive two complimentary registrations for the calendar year. All additional registrations will require payment. When completing your registration, please select the “sponsor comp” option to use complimentary registrations.
Set-up for booth spaces opens the day before the event starts. Specific set-up timelines, shipping/mailing information for booth items, and set-up locations will be provided to sponsors prior to each event.
Cancellation and Substitution Policy
If you are registered and cannot attend, we encourage you to send a substitute. If you cannot send a substitute, a $100 cancellation
fee will be assessed if written cancellation is received by January 15. No refunds will be honored after January 15.