
TMHRA Awards

2025 will mark the 16th year of the Texas Municipal Human Resources Association’s Professional Awards Program which recognizes and honors outstanding individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to municipal human resources in Texas. Nominations will only be accepted via the online nomination form until 11:59 p.m. on March 30, 2025. LEARN MORE.

TMHRA Membership Directory

Features of the Directory

Members may access their directory by typing into the login screen their TML login name and password. Be sure to keep your email address and other contact information current in the TML database so the TML staff may assist you if you have a login problem.

  • Password protected
  • Searchable by name, region, population, city, title, or membership classification,
  • Information is updated weekly
  • Contains live email addresses of members
  • Contains information about your association’s members only.
  • City information is contained in the online TML directory.

Using Your Directory

  • Clicking on the underlined name of a member brings up a screen that duplicates information in previous printed membership directories.
  • You may leave the first name or last name field blank to search on a name; however, if you want to further narrow your search by using a wildcard, use % instead of an *. For example, you might type in “John” as a first name and “Sm%” as the last name to get a list of all the John Sm…s in the directory.
  • To select/highlight several cities, etc., in a row on one of the lists, click and hold down your mouse or hold down the shift key and click at the beginning and end of your selection.
  • To highlight multiple selections that are not contiguous, hold down your control key and click on each item.
  • Mac users: use your command features.
  • You may print the results of your search; however, the database itself is not downloadable. If this directory does not give the selections or information you require, you may wish to contact TML to explore purchasing options.

Questions About Directory

If you have questions about this directory or its use, please click here to contact TML’s IT Department. (Or phone 512-231-7400; passwords to other areas of TMHRA’s web site are only given out by email to TMHRA members. IF you are a TMHRA member and need a password for the other password-protected areas, email that request here.)


TMHRA Toolkits

We appreciate your patience as we work to update these valuable resources for you.

This comprehensive toolbox is equipped with easy-to-use manuals that provide the HR Professional information and guidelines for everyday tasks.
What’s included?

  • ADA Handbook – This handbook is for informational purposes only, and not a legal opinion.  Please contact your city attorney if you have any questions regarding your situation.
  • FMLA Sample Handbook – This handbook is for informational purposes only, and not a legal opinion.  Please contact your city attorney if you have any questions regarding your situation.
  • Sample Employee Handbook – This handbook is for informational purposes only, and not a legal opinion.  Please contact your city attorney if you have any questions regarding your situation.

TML Career Center

Need help with the Career Center?
VIEW or DOWNLOAD PDF Document (147 KB)


TML Employment Law Manual


More Helpful Resources

If you know of other helpful resources that are not on the list, please submit links to